Medical Clearance

Medical Clearance
FDU has transitioned to an electronic medical record called Medicat. All student medical forms must be submitted through Medicat in the student information section.Please access the Medicat Patient Portal where you will be given instructions on how to complete your medical records through the Student Information section.
The Medicat patient portal can be accessed by using the same username and password that you use to access your FDU student account. If you are having technical difficulties accessing Medicat please contact the Help Desk at 973-443-8822.
To review a full list of vaccination requirements, please visit the FDU Student Health Service website: Vaccination Requirements
Important information to remember when submitting the required entrance forms
- Please keep a copy of the completed forms for your personal records.
- Students will not be permitted to register for a class or reside in FDU housing until the health forms and immunization records are completed and received.
- All forms submitted MUST be in English.
- Students who request a medical or religious exemption will be required to have blood titers drawn for Varicella, MMR, and Hepatitis B; and can choose to either have a CXR and/or a QuantiFERON TB gold test performed in lieu of a TB skin test. Please see the relevant State of NJ information. You will also be required to complete the exemption form provided within Medicat. If a medical exemption is being requested, you are required to have documentation from your health care provider supporting the reason for the exemption.